If you have ever had to solve in your projects the issues of excessive heights and volumes of the room, the need to balance the shape and composition of the interior, not only in permanent but also temporary exhibitions, then light airy ceiling structures made from architectural paper best solve such issues.
Access to engineering communications remains free, while the engineering and technical systems themselves are hidden by a beautiful designer ceiling, which you come up with yourself or order a project from Paper Design® specialists.
For installation there is no need to install heavy systems that can put additional load on the supporting frame. The distributed mass of such a designer ceiling is no more than 200 grams per m2 of ceiling area.
Until September 4 at VDNKh in pavilion No. 42 "Animal Husbandry" an exhibition is open under the arches of the Drop Stripe® lamella ceiling. For the first time in our projects, the lamella length is 17 meters! The slats were installed at a height of 6.3 meters using an electric scissor lift within 5 days! Your new project may feature a similar ceiling with a unique design, the author of which can be each of you. Call! Special conditions for working with architects and designers!