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B8zfE0B B B <)Z B0`9YY@@@ @ %4 XK . 54 YK .0 ^@ P & 5 K .  ^^@?%Vm?t3?$???@?% ????  @ L=?@?@@%???? #?$@"@!\?%@(%)????* A+?%,??>?2%3????4D6 E<%=N?N?N??>?@@AB?d@e@f@g@h@i@j@k@l@m@n@o@p@q@r@s@t@u@v@w@x@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@>>? :efghijklm n o p q rstuvwx ! 4 *K . 4 *K . 4 [\]K .!  Zh@Metal@ @ @ 0@? B8zfE0B B B <)Z B0`9Y`@@@ @ %4 _K . 54 `K .0 @ P   9Ys @) G =$I@h// Greater than // GreaterThan.osl, by Zap Andersson // Modified: 2019-11-26 // Copyright 2019 Autodesk Inc, All rights reserved. This file is licensed under Apache 2.0 license // https://github.com/ADN-DevTech/3dsMax-OSL-Shaders/blob/master/LICENSE.txt shader GreaterThan [[ string help = "Simpler comparision shader that just returns two different colors for value being creater than (or not)", string label= "Greater Than", string category = "Switchers" ]] ( float A = 0.0 [[ string label = "Input A" ]], float B = 0.0 [[ string label = "Input B" ]], color Greater= color(0.0,1.0,0.0) [[ string label = "Result if A > B" ]], color Else = color(1.0,0.0,0.0) [[ string label = "Result if not" ]], output color Out = 0.0, output float Float = 0.0, ) { if (A > B) Out = Greater; else Out = Else; // Float output is just the average Float = (Out[0]+Out[1]+Out[2])/3.0; } @@ i=  9Ye @}pWL^<@<// Tiles, Bricks and other Patterns // SimpleTiles.osl, by Zap Andersson // Modified: 2019-11-25 // Copyright 2019 Autodesk Inc, All rights reserved. This file is licensed under Apache 2.0 license // https://github.com/ADN-DevTech/3dsMax-OSL-Shaders/blob/master/LICENSE.txt #define PARAM lookup,fluvw+point(xx,0,0),GapWidth*0.05,Tiling,Edge*0.1,Bump,HitIdx // Do a single rectangle int doRect(float loX, float hiX, float loY, float hiY, int Tile, int InIdx, float Radius, // Layout of these match the PARAM macro above point uvw, point baseuvw, float GapWidth, vector Tiling, float Edge, output float Bump, output int Index ) { float x = uvw[0] / Tiling[0], y = uvw[1] / Tiling[1]; float lox = loX / Tiling[0]; float hix = hiX / Tiling[0]; float loy = loY / Tiling[1]; float hiy = hiY / Tiling[1]; // First quick rejection when being outside the rectangle if (x < lox + GapWidth || x > hix - GapWidth || y < loy + GapWidth || y > hiy - GapWidth) return 0; // Turn coordinate into circle float gwr = GapWidth + Radius; float lx = x - (lox + gwr); float ly = y - (loy + gwr); float hx = x - (hix - gwr); float hy = y - (hiy - gwr); // Now compute special-circle-coordinate // which is really the edges around the rectangle vector dp = vector(lx<0?lx:(hx>0?hx:0.0), ly<0?ly:(hy>0.0?hy:0.0), 0.0); float d = length(dp); // Outside the radius - we missed if (d > Radius) return 0; // Inside? Compute the bump as a Smoothstep if (Radius > Edge) Bump = 1.0 - smoothstep(Radius-Edge, Radius+Edge, d); else { // If there is an Edge but the radius is smaller, we // need to compute the bump differently... float lx = x - (lox + GapWidth); float ly = y - (loy + GapWidth); float hx = x - (hix - GapWidth); float hy = y - (hiy - GapWidth); Bump = smoothstep(-Edge, Edge, lx); Bump *= smoothstep(-Edge, Edge, -hx); Bump *= smoothstep(-Edge, Edge, ly); Bump *= smoothstep(-Edge, Edge, -hy); } // Set index to inIdx Index = InIdx; // Return the tile ID we are in return Tile; } shader SimpleTiles [[ string help = "<font size=+1><b>Simple Tiles</b></font><br>" "Allows various kinds of Tiling. The Tiling Offset<br>" "modifies the base parameter of the tiling layout,<br>" "and can generate different effects. ", string category = "Textures", string label = "Simple Tiles" ]] ( // Inputs point UVW = point(u,v,0), float Scale = 1.0 [[ float min=0.000001, float max=1000000.0 ]], int TileMode = 0 [[ string widget = "mapper", string label = "Tiling Mode", string options = "Checker Tiles:1" "|Running/Stack Bond:0" "|English Bond:2" "|Fine Running/Stack Bond:3" "|Twist Box:4", string help="Choose the kind of tile pattern to use. " "The 'TilingOffset' parameter adjusts the " "appearance of the tiles." ]], float U_Count = 2.0 [[ string label = "Tiles in U", float min=0.000001, float max=1000000.0 ]], float V_Count = 2.0 [[ string label = "Tiles in V", float min=0.000001, float max=1000000.0 ]], float TilingOffset = 0.5 [[ string label = "Tiling Offset", float min=0.0, float max=1.0, string help = "An adjustable parameter which changes " "the appearance of the tiling. Does different things " "for different Tiling Modes" ]], float GapWidth = 0.1 [[ string label = "Gap Width", string help = "The width of the gap between tiles", float min=0.0, float max=10.0 ]], float Radius = 0.2 [[ string label = "Corner Roundness", string help = "Adds fillet radius to the corner of the tiles", float min=0.0, float max=10.0 ]], float Edge = 0.1 [[ string label = "Edge Width (for Bump)", string help = "The width of a (slightly beveled) fake 'Edge' " "to give the tile a more realistic appearance", float min=0.0, float max=10.0 ]], float EdgeBump = 1.0 [[ float min=-10.0, float max=10.0, string help = "The amount of Edge bump effect" ]], float ColorBump = 0.0 [[ float min=-10.0, float max=10.0, string help = "Adds some contribution of the color " "settings to the Bump output" ]], color GapColor = 0.2 [[ string label = "Gap Color", string help = "The color of the gap between tiles" ]], color TileColor1 = 0.4 [[ string label = "Tile Color 1", string help = "First Tile Color" ]], color TileColor2 = 0.5 [[ string label = "Tile Color 2", string help = "Second Tile Color" ]], color TileColor3 = 0.6 [[ string label = "Tile Color 3", string help = "Third Tile Color. Not all Tiling Modes use this." ]], // Outputs output color Col = 0.0, output float Bump = 0.0, output int Tile = 0, output int TileIdx = 0, output int Index = 0 ) { int Overlap = 1; vector Tiling = vector(U_Count, V_Count, 0.0); Col = GapColor; point uvw = UVW * Tiling / Scale; float to = TilingOffset; float to2 = to*0.5; float Roundness = Radius / 10.0; // Floor of UVW point fluvw = floor(uvw); // Fractional UVW point fruvw = uvw - fluvw; // Loop over neighbours for (int xx = -Overlap; xx <= 0; xx++) { point lookup = uvw - fluvw - point(xx,0,0); int HitIdx = 0; // Running Bond if (TileMode == 0) { if (Tile == 0) Tile = doRect(0.0 ,1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1, 1, Roundness, PARAM); if (Tile == 0) Tile = doRect(to, to+1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2, 2, Roundness, PARAM); } // Stack Bond if (TileMode == 1) { if (Tile == 0) Tile = doRect(0.0 ,0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1, 1, Roundness, PARAM); if (Tile == 0) Tile = doRect(0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 2, 2, Roundness, PARAM); if (Tile == 0) Tile = doRect(0.5 ,1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 2, 3, Roundness, PARAM); if (Tile == 0) Tile = doRect(0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1, 4, Roundness, PARAM); } // English Bond if (TileMode == 2) { if (Tile == 0) Tile = doRect(0.0 ,1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1, 1, Roundness, PARAM); if (Tile == 0) Tile = doRect(0.0+to2, 0.5+to2, 0.5, 1.0, 2, 2, Roundness, PARAM); if (Tile == 0) Tile = doRect(0.5+to2, 1.0+to2, 0.5, 1.0, 2, 3, Roundness, PARAM); } // Fine Running Bond if (TileMode == 3) { if (Tile == 0) Tile = doRect(0.0 ,1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1, 1, Roundness, PARAM); if (Tile == 0) Tile = doRect(0.0+to, 0.5+to, 0.5, 0.75, 2, 2, Roundness, PARAM); if (Tile == 0) Tile = doRect(0.5+to, 1.0+to, 0.5, 0.75, 2, 3, Roundness, PARAM); if (Tile == 0) Tile = doRect(0.0+to2, 0.5+to2, 0.75, 1.0, 3, 4, Roundness, PARAM); if (Tile == 0) Tile = doRect(0.5+to2, 1.0+to2, 0.75, 1.0, 3, 5, Roundness, PARAM); } // Twist Box if (TileMode == 4) { if (Tile == 0) Tile = doRect(0.0, 1.0-to2, 0.0, to2, 1, 1, Roundness, PARAM); if (Tile == 0) Tile = doRect(to2, 1.0, 1.0-to2, 1.0, 1, 2, Roundness, PARAM); if (Tile == 0) Tile = doRect(0.0, to2, to2, 1.0, 2, 3, Roundness, PARAM); if (Tile == 0) Tile = doRect(1.0-to2, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0-to2, 2, 4, Roundness, PARAM); if (Tile == 0) Tile = doRect(to2, 1.0-to2, to2, 1.0-to2, 3, 5, Roundness, PARAM); } if (HitIdx > 0) { TileIdx = HitIdx; Index = HitIdx + int((float)cellnoise(fluvw+point(xx,0,0)) * 1024.0); } } if (Tile == 1) Col = TileColor1; if (Tile == 2) Col = TileColor2; if (Tile == 3) Col = TileColor3; Bump *= EdgeBump; Bump += dot(0.3333, Col) * ColorBump; } @@ r5 K .  9Ye ?  @ @ ? u= = = ? %  E=E=E=?%  E??>?%  E??>?% ????H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@ H@!H@"H@ ^   ! " 4 cdK .@B@Map #9@  @ 0@?@~ @ N@ Ye 9Yg@e@ K4 efK .@@  @ 0@?  9Yq @x[dL#r@// Multiplies two colors // ColorMul.osl, by Zap Andersson // Modified: 2019-11-22 // Copyright 2019 Autodesk Inc, All rights reserved. This file is licensed under Apache 2.0 license // https://github.com/ADN-DevTech/3dsMax-OSL-Shaders/blob/master/LICENSE.txt shader ColorMul [[ string help = "Multiplies two colors", string label= "Multiply (color)", string category = "Math Color" ]] ( color A = 0.5, color B = 0.5, int Clamp = 0 [[ string widget="checkBox", string label = "Clamp Result" ]], output color Out = 0.0, ) { Out = A * B; if (Clamp) Out = clamp(Out, 0.0, 1.0); } @@   9Ym @uL%B@OYE94%q @X // Index based Randomizer // IdxRndCol.osl, by Zap Andersson // Modified: 2020-06-12 // Copyright 2019 Autodesk Inc, All rights reserved. This file is licensed under Apache 2.0 license // https://github.com/ADN-DevTech/3dsMax-OSL-Shaders/blob/master/LICENSE.txt shader IdxRndCol [[ string help = "Return a randomized color based on an input integer index", string category = "Math Color", string label = "Random by Index (color)", string version = "2.0" ]] ( int Idx = 0, int Seed = 1, color Min = 0.0, color Max = 1.0, int PerComponent = 0 [[ string widget = "checkBox", int connectable = 0, string label = "Randomize Per Component.", string help = "When on, randomizes each R, G and B component individually. " "When off, interpolates between the Min and Max colors as a whole." ]], output color Out = 0.0 ) { // abs() to deal w. the versioning issue w. negative cellnoise values if (PerComponent) { Out = mix(Min, Max, noise("cell", vector(abs(Idx), abs(Seed), 10))); } else { float ratio = noise("cell", vector(abs(Idx), abs(Seed), 10)); Out = mix(Min, Max, ratio); } } @@ e 9Yk@e@ K4 ejK .@@  @ 0@?X5 kK .  9Y m  % EN?EN?EN??% ???? H@H@H@ H@   4 ilK .@D@Map #15@  @ 0@?@&@ N@ Ye 9Yo@e@ K4 enK .@@  @ 0@? 4 moK .  9Yq% ????% ???? H@H@H@  4 hpK .@D@Map #16@  @ 0@?@@ N@ YC4 gqK .  9Ys  % >>>?% k=o=o=?H@H@H@ H@   4 brK .@D@Map #17@  @ 0@?@&@ N@ Ye 9Yu@s@ K4 stK .@@  @ 0@?  9Yz @) G =$I@h// Greater than // GreaterThan.osl, by Zap Andersson // Modified: 2019-11-26 // Copyright 2019 Autodesk Inc, All rights reserved. This file is licensed under Apache 2.0 license // https://github.com/ADN-DevTech/3dsMax-OSL-Shaders/blob/master/LICENSE.txt shader GreaterThan [[ string help = "Simpler comparision shader that just returns two different colors for value being creater than (or not)", string label= "Greater Than", string category = "Switchers" ]] ( float A = 0.0 [[ string label = "Input A" ]], float B = 0.0 [[ string label = "Input B" ]], color Greater= color(0.0,1.0,0.0) [[ string label = "Result if A > B" ]], color Else = color(1.0,0.0,0.0) [[ string label = "Result if not" ]], output color Out = 0.0, output float Float = 0.0, ) { if (A > B) Out = Greater; else Out = Else; // Float output is just the average Float = (Out[0]+Out[1]+Out[2])/3.0; } @@ e 9Yx@e@ K4 ewK .@@  @ 0@??5 xK .  9Yz  % >>>?% ? Q|? Q|??H@H@H@ H@   4 vyK .@D@Map #14@  @ 0@?@&@ N@ Ye 9Y|@z@ K4 z{K .@@  @ 0@?e 9Y~@e@ K4 e}K .@@  @ 0@?> 5 "u|~K .  ^@?%?????L>@% ????  @ L=?@?@@%???? #$@"@!\?%@(%)????* A+?%,??>?2%3????4D6 E<%=????>?@@?A?B\?d@e@f@g@h@i@j@k@l@m@n@o@p@q@r@s@t@u@v@w@x@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@>>? :efghijklm n o p q rstuvwx ! 4 *K . 4 *K . 4 K .!  av@11 - Default@ @ @ 0@? B8zfE0B B B <)Z B0`9Y@@@ @ %4 K . 54 K .0 @ P & 5 K .  ^@?%#???>@?% ==>?  @ L=?G??@@%???? #?$@"@!\?%@(%)????* A+?%,??>?2%3????4D6 E<?%=N?N?N??>=?@@AB?d@e@f@g@h@i@j@k@l@m@n@o@p@q@r@s@t@u@v@w@x@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@>>? :efghijklm n o p q rstuvwx ! 4 *K . 4 *K . 4 K .!  z@"12 - Car Paint@ @ @ 0@? B8zfE0B B B <)Z B0`9Y@@@ @ %4 K . 54 K .0 @ P U  9Y @%qWtNqUL=@// Interpolates two colors based on a third // Interpolate.osl, by Zap Andersson // Modified: 2019-11-22 // Copyright 2019 Autodesk Inc, All rights reserved. This file is licensed under Apache 2.0 license // https://github.com/ADN-DevTech/3dsMax-OSL-Shaders/blob/master/LICENSE.txt shader Interpolate [[ string help = "Interpolates two colors based on a third", string label = "Interpolate (color)", string category = "Math Color" ]] ( color Input = 0.0, color Min = 0.0, color Max = 1.0, output color Out = 0.0 ) { Out = mix(Min, Max, Input); } @@   9Y @GF&ˈ@// General Noise Shader, returning a float (1D) // Noise.osl by Zap Andersson // Modified: 2019-11-26 // Copyright 2019 Autodesk Inc, All rights reserved. This file is licensed under Apache 2.0 license // https://github.com/ADN-DevTech/3dsMax-OSL-Shaders/blob/master/LICENSE.txt shader Noise [[ string help="A shader for generating more advanced noise" ]] ( point UVW = transform("object", P) [[ string help = "The UVW coordinate to use. When not connected, defaults to Object space" ]], float Scale = 25.0, string Type = "uperlin" [[ string widget= "popup", string help = "Use perlin, uperlin, cell, hash, simplex or gabor", string options="perlin|uperlin|cell|hash|simplex|gabor" ]], int Octaves = 4 [[ string help = "Hos many layers of noise are mixed together" ]], float Lacunarity = 2.0 [[ string help = "How much the 'frequency' of the noise changes per layer" ]], float Gain = 0.5 [[ string help = "How much the amplitude of the noise changes per layer. Higher numbers means higher noise frequencies have more effect." ]], int StepFunction = 1 [[ string widget= "checkBox", string label = "Step Function", string help = "Enables a per-layer smoothstep curve in the noise, allowing you to increase the 'contrast' of the noise" ]], float LowStep = 0.5 [[ string help = "Low threshold of the smoothstep function.", string label = "Low Step", float min = -1.0, float max = 1.0 ]], float HiStep = 0.8 [[ string help = "High threshold of the smoothstep function.", string label = "High Step", float min = -1.0, float max = 1.0 ]], int Normalize = 1 [[ string widget= "checkBox", string help = "If the noise is auto-normalized to Amplitude or not." ]], float Amplitude = 1.0 [[ string help = "The amplitude of the noise." ]], float Phase = 0.0 [[ string help = "The 'Phase' is just a 4th coordinate of the noise, can be used to allow it to evolve over time, for example." ]], output float Out = 0, ) { point pnt = UVW / Scale; float sum = 0; float curFreq = 1.0; float curAmp = Amplitude; // Loop over number of octaves for (int i = 0; i < Octaves; i++) { // Compute a noise value float ns = noise(Type, pnt * curFreq, Phase + i); if (StepFunction) ns = smoothstep(LowStep, HiStep, ns); // Add our result to the output Out += ns * curAmp; // Add the amplitude to the normalizing sum sum += curAmp; // Step up frequency and amplitude curFreq *= Lacunarity; curAmp *= Gain; } if (Normalize) Out /= sum / Amplitude; } @@   9Y @^YReC `@f// An UVW coordinate tranfrormation tool // UVWTransform.osl by Zap Andersson // Modified: 2019-11-27 // Copyright 2019 Autodesk Inc, All rights reserved. This file is licensed under Apache 2.0 license // https://github.com/ADN-DevTech/3dsMax-OSL-Shaders/blob/master/LICENSE.txt shader UVWTransform [[ string help = "UVW Transformation shader. Can scale,<br>" "tile and rotate UVW coordinates.", string label = "UVW Transform", string category = "UVW Coordinates", string version = "2.0" ]] ( point Input = point(u, v, 0) [[ string label = "Input (UVW)", string help="Connect your UVW generator here, for example <b>UVW Channel</b> or <b>UVW Object Space</b>.<br/>" "If not connected, the default UV channel (Map Channel 1) is used" ]], float Scale = 1.0 [[ string help="The overall Scale. Larger number = bigger." ]], vector Tiling = 1.0 [[ string help="A per-axis dividing scale, to subdivide the values. Larger number = smaller." ]], vector Offset = 0.0 [[ string help="Moves the UVW coordinates around" ]], int Wrap = 0 [[ string widget = "checkBox", int connectable = 0, string help = "Wrap the resulting coordinates in a 0-1 range" ]], // Real world parameters int RealWorld = 0 [[ string widget = "checkBox", int connectable = 0, string help = "Enable Real-World Scaling" ]], float RealWidth = 0.2 [[ int worldunits=1, string help = "Real Width of one unit of texture space" ]], float RealHeight = 0.2 [[ int worldunits=1, string help = "Real Height of one unit of texture space" ]], float Rotate = 0.0 [[ string help="A rotation angle in <i>degrees</i>." ]],, point RotCenter = point(0.5,0.5,0) [[ string label = "Rotation Center", string help = "The center of rotation in UVW space" ]], vector RotAxis = vector(0.0,0.0,1.0) [[ string label = "Rotation Axis", string help = "An axis around which the rotation occurs." ]], output point UVW = 0 ) { vector worldScale = 1.0; if (RealWorld) worldScale = vector(RealWidth, RealHeight, 1.0); UVW = rotate(Input - Offset, radians(Rotate), RotCenter, RotCenter + RotAxis) * Tiling / worldScale / Scale; if (Wrap) UVW -= floor(UVW); } @@ \5 K .  9Y ?! ?BB!    HC HC !  ??!  ? H@ H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@ :  4 K .@B@Map #5@  @ 0@?@N@ N@ Y5  K .  9Y ?)@uperlin  @ ?  ? L?   ?  H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@ L    4 K .@B@Map #4@  @ 0@?@f @ N@ Y4 K .  9Y% ?% tc?tc?tc??% ????H@H@H@  4 K .@B@Map #6@  @ 0@?@@ N@ Y6 5 K .  ^@?%?????^M>@?% ????  @ >?@ ף=@@%? A#?$@"@!ff?%@(%)H?Un???*@+?%,??>?2%3????4D6 E<%=????>?@@?A?B?d@e@f@g@h@i@j@k@l@m@n@o@p@q@r@s@t@u@v@w@x@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ף<>? :efghijklm n o p q rstuvwx ! 4 *K . 4 *K . 4 K .!  @013 - Brushed Metal #2@ @ @ 0@? B8zfE0B B B <)Z B0`9Y@@@ @ %4 K . 54 K .0 @ P & 5 K .  ^@?%i?i?k???z>@?% ????  @ L=?@?@@%???? #?$@"@!\?%@(%)????* A+?%,??>?2%3????4D6 E<%=N?N?N??>?@@AB?d@e@f@g@h@i@j@k@l@m@n@o@p@q@r@s@t@u@v@w@x@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@>>? :efghijklm n o p q rstuvwx ! 4 *K . 4 *K . 4 K .!  @214 - Polished Aluminum@ @ @ 0@? B8zfE0B B B <)Z B0`9Y@@@ @ %4 K . 54 K .0 @ P & 5 K .  ^@?%+;?ݘ'????O >@% ????  @ L>?@?@@%???? #?$@"@!33?%@(%)????* A+?%,??>?2%3????4D6 E<%=????>=?@@?A?B?d@e@f@g@h@i@j@k@l@m@n@o@p@q@r@s@t@u@v@w@x@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@>>? :efghijklm n o p q rstuvwx ! 4 *K . 4 *K . 4 K .!  @,15 - Glossy Plastic@ @ @ 0@? B8zfE0B B B <)Z B0`9Y@@@ @ %4 K . 54 K .0 @ P & 5 K .  ^@?%+;?ݘ'???? ?@% ????  @ L>?@?@@%???? #?$@"@!33?%@(%)????* A+?%,??>?2%3????4D6 E<%=????>=?@@?A?B?d@e@f@g@h@i@j@k@l@m@n@o@p@q@r@s@t@u@v@w@x@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@>>? :efghijklm n o p q rstuvwx ! 4 *K . 4 *K . 4 K .!  @*16 - Matte Plastic@ @ @ 0@? B8zfE0B B B <)Z B0`9Y@@@ @ %4 K . 54 K .0 @ P U  9Y @%qWtNqUL=@// Interpolates two colors based on a third // Interpolate.osl, by Zap Andersson // Modified: 2019-11-22 // Copyright 2019 Autodesk Inc, All rights reserved. This file is licensed under Apache 2.0 license // https://github.com/ADN-DevTech/3dsMax-OSL-Shaders/blob/master/LICENSE.txt shader Interpolate [[ string help = "Interpolates two colors based on a third", string label = "Interpolate (color)", string category = "Math Color" ]] ( color Input = 0.0, color Min = 0.0, color Max = 1.0, output color Out = 0.0 ) { Out = mix(Min, Max, Input); } @@   9Y @GF&ˈ@// General Noise Shader, returning a float (1D) // Noise.osl by Zap Andersson // Modified: 2019-11-26 // Copyright 2019 Autodesk Inc, All rights reserved. This file is licensed under Apache 2.0 license // https://github.com/ADN-DevTech/3dsMax-OSL-Shaders/blob/master/LICENSE.txt shader Noise [[ string help="A shader for generating more advanced noise" ]] ( point UVW = transform("object", P) [[ string help = "The UVW coordinate to use. When not connected, defaults to Object space" ]], float Scale = 25.0, string Type = "uperlin" [[ string widget= "popup", string help = "Use perlin, uperlin, cell, hash, simplex or gabor", string options="perlin|uperlin|cell|hash|simplex|gabor" ]], int Octaves = 4 [[ string help = "Hos many layers of noise are mixed together" ]], float Lacunarity = 2.0 [[ string help = "How much the 'frequency' of the noise changes per layer" ]], float Gain = 0.5 [[ string help = "How much the amplitude of the noise changes per layer. Higher numbers means higher noise frequencies have more effect." ]], int StepFunction = 1 [[ string widget= "checkBox", string label = "Step Function", string help = "Enables a per-layer smoothstep curve in the noise, allowing you to increase the 'contrast' of the noise" ]], float LowStep = 0.5 [[ string help = "Low threshold of the smoothstep function.", string label = "Low Step", float min = -1.0, float max = 1.0 ]], float HiStep = 0.8 [[ string help = "High threshold of the smoothstep function.", string label = "High Step", float min = -1.0, float max = 1.0 ]], int Normalize = 1 [[ string widget= "checkBox", string help = "If the noise is auto-normalized to Amplitude or not." ]], float Amplitude = 1.0 [[ string help = "The amplitude of the noise." ]], float Phase = 0.0 [[ string help = "The 'Phase' is just a 4th coordinate of the noise, can be used to allow it to evolve over time, for example." ]], output float Out = 0, ) { point pnt = UVW / Scale; float sum = 0; float curFreq = 1.0; float curAmp = Amplitude; // Loop over number of octaves for (int i = 0; i < Octaves; i++) { // Compute a noise value float ns = noise(Type, pnt * curFreq, Phase + i); if (StepFunction) ns = smoothstep(LowStep, HiStep, ns); // Add our result to the output Out += ns * curAmp; // Add the amplitude to the normalizing sum sum += curAmp; // Step up frequency and amplitude curFreq *= Lacunarity; curAmp *= Gain; } if (Normalize) Out /= sum / Amplitude; } @@ 5 K .  9Y A)@uperlin  @ ?  ? L?   ?  H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@ L    4 K .@B@Map #7@  @ 0@?@f @ N@ Y4 K .  9Y% ?% }>}>}>?% .m?.m?.m??H@H@H@  4 K .@B@Map #8@  @ 0@?@@ N@ Y. 5 K .  ^@?%RY?>>??33>@?% ????  @ L=?@?@@%???? #?$@"@!\?%@(%)????* A+?%,??>?2%3????4D6 E<%=????>Q>?@@?A= ?B?d@e@f@g@h@i@j@k@l@m@n@o@p@q@r@s@t@u@v@w@x@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@>>? :efghijklm n o p q rstuvwx ! 4 *K . 4 *K . 4 K .!  @*17 - Old Copper #1@ @ @ 0@? B8zfE0B B B <)Z B0`9Y@@@ @ %4 K . 54 K .0 @ P & 5 K .  ^@?%L=L=L=?>4g!?@% ???? ? @ >?@?@@%???? #?$@"@!\?%@(%)????* A+?%,??>?2%3????4D6 E<%=????>=?@@?A?B?d@e@f@g@h@i@j@k@l@m@n@o@p@q@r@s@t@u@v@w@x@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@>>? :efghijklm n o p q rstuvwx ! 4 *K . 4 *K . 4 K .!  t@18 - Rubber@ @ @ 0@? B8zfE0B B B <)Z B0`9Y@@@ @ %4 K . 54 K .0 @ P & 5 K .  ^@?%??@% ????  @ >?@?@@?%Ԭ`?KGv??? #$@"@!?%@(%)????* A+?%,??>?2%3????4D6 E<%=????>=?@@?A?B?d@e@f@g@h@i@j@k@l@m@n@o@p@q@r@s@t@u@v@w@x@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@=>? :efghijklm n o p q rstuvwx ! 4 *K . 4 *K . 4 K .!  @219 - Glass (Thin wall)@ @ @ 0@? B8zfE0B B B <)Z B0`9Y@@@ @ %4 K . 54 K .0 @ P & 5 K .  ^@?%i?i?k???z>@?% ????  @ L=?@?@@%???? #?$@"@!\?%@(%)????* A+?%,??>?2%3????4D6 E<%=N?N?N??>?@@AB?d@e@f@g@h@i@j@k@l@m@n@o@p@q@r@s@t@u@v@w@x@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@>>? :efghijklm n o p q rstuvwx ! 4 *K . 4 *K . 4 K .!  @220 - Polished Aluminum@ @ @ 0@? B8zfE0B B B <)Z B0`9Y@@@ @ %4 K . 54 K .0 @ P & 5 K .  ^@?%?????@% ????  @ L=?@?@@%???? #$@"@!\?%@(%)????* A+?%,??>?2%3????4D6 E<%=????>?@@?A?B\?d@e@f@g@h@i@j@k@l@m@n@o@p@q@r@s@t@u@v@w@x@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@>>? :efghijklm n o p q rstuvwx ! 4 *K . 4 *K . 4 K .!  v@21 - Default@ @ @ 0@? B8zfE0B B B <)Z B0`9Y@@@ @ %4 K . 54 K .0 @ P & 5 K .  ^@?%?????@% ????  @ L=?@?@@%???? #$@"@!\?%@(%)????* A+?%,??>?2%3????4D6 E<%=????>?@@?A?B\?d@e@f@g@h@i@j@k@l@m@n@o@p@q@r@s@t@u@v@w@x@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@>>? :efghijklm n o p q rstuvwx ! 4 *K . 4 *K . 4 K .!  v@22 - Default@ @ @ 0@? B8zfE0B B B <)Z B0`9Y@@@ @ %4 K . 54 K .0 @ P & 5 K .  ^@?%?????@% ????  @ L=?@?@@%???? #$@"@!\?%@(%)????* A+?%,??>?2%3????4D6 E<%=????>?@@?A?B\?d@e@f@g@h@i@j@k@l@m@n@o@p@q@r@s@t@u@v@w@x@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@>>? :efghijklm n o p q rstuvwx ! 4 *K . 4 *K . 4 K .!  v@23 - Default@ @ @ 0@? B8zfE0B B B <)Z B0`9Y@@@ @ %4 K . 54 K .0 @ P & 5 K .  ^@?%?????@% ????  @ L=?@?@@%???? #$@"@!\?%@(%)????* A+?%,??>?2%3????4D6 E<%=????>?@@?A?B\?d@e@f@g@h@i@j@k@l@m@n@o@p@q@r@s@t@u@v@w@x@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@>>? :efghijklm n o p q rstuvwx ! 4 *K . 4 *K . 4 K .!  v@24 - Default@ @ @ 0@? 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